我记得早在2021年当迈克Lindell(“我Pillow” guy) organized a “Cyber Symposium” (whatever that means). As part of this, he promised to provide unequivocal evidence that the 2020 US election was stolen. His so-called “proof” was a bunch of computer files that purported to contain data documenting Chinese interference in the 2020 election.

Lindell went further by issuing a “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge, saying he would pay $5 million to anyone who could prove the data he was profferingwasn’trelated to the election.

Over the past couple of days, I’m sure that you, like me, have heard references to the fact that an arbitration panel has ordered Lindell to pay $5 million to a cyber expert who debunked his claims. This cyber supersleuth analyzed the data and wrote a 15-page report that concluded by saying: “The data Lindell provides, and represents reflects information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally does not contain packet data of any kind and does not contain any information related to the November 2020 election.”

To be honest, apart from feeling that Lindell had reaped what he had sown, I didn’t think much more about this until, while listening to the National Public Radio (NPR) on the way into work this morning, I heard an update on this story, which included a few words from the cyber expert in question,鲍勃Zeidman, who is President ofZeidman Consulting.

“O-M-G,” I thought, “I should have guessed!” I’ve known Bob foryonks. I’m not sure, but I think we first met when we both presented at theEmbedded Systems Conference (ESC) India 2010. Along with a small cadre of other embedded systems experts likeDuane Benson,Jacob Beningo,Adam Taylor, andJonny Doin, Bob and your humble narrator (I pride myself on my humility) have found ourselves speaking at multiple events over the years. Once, at ESC London, Bob and I managed to break free of the conference crowd and take the time to attend a performance ofThe Mousetrap, which is the longest running play in London.

The thing is that Bob is the author ofThe Software IP Detective’s Handbook, which means he literally wrote the book on software and data forensic analysis. So, I think it’s fair to say that it was something ofa bad day at Block Rockfor Lindell when Bob attended the symposium and decided to take part in the presciently named “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge.

Will Lindell accept the ruling of the arbitration panel? According to theAssociated Press, he’s less than enthused to do so, which means this will probably end up in court.

If you want to learn more about all of this, just perform a Google search on “Mike Lindell and Bob Zeidman.” In the meantime, you canfeast your orbs on this videoin which CNN’s Erin Burnett chats with Bob about the panel’s decision.

How about you? Do you have any thoughts you’d care to share about any of this? If so, you know what to do…